Thursday, January 22, 2009

Latezilla is back!

So, today marked the end of labs in Computational Chemistry, which, as the name suggests, involve computers. The lab wasn't much work, to be honest. We mainly just talked to the demonstrators about calculating pi to a million places and such other scientific stuff. Did you know somebody calculated it to over 5 billion places?! I hope that person is satisfied, because that must have taken a while, even with computers.

I was pretty pleased as I came into college today. I listen to my iPod every day and listen mainly to podcasts regarding the NFL. One in particular, called ESPN Football Today, is a favourite of mine. I decided to send them in an e-mail with faint hopes it would be answered. Lo and behold, the name David from Dublin, Ireland pops up out of nowhere and my question is read. I know this isn't a huge deal or anything, but it was pretty cool to hear the question read and answered.

The tickets for the 2009 London game between the Tampa Bay Bucs and New England Patriots were released today. Due to a scheduled downtime of the internet in college, I couldn't get online to buy them myself, so I had to ask my dad. Thankfully, he obliged and we secured the seats. They're higher up than before, so it should make for an interesting view. Hey, as long as the Bucs lose, I'm good.

Finally, I want to address Latezilla, a fictional (or is he?) character of mine who basically punishes those who are late in life. Stragglers are not tolerated according to his laws and are often lit on fire and made to write out the phrase "I will never be late again" repeatedly. Latezilla doesn't have his own blog - he's a busy dinosaur - so he left me with the task of conveying this message through his agent:

"Latezilla would like to acknowledge the fact that he has been slightly off his game recently. This is due to a death in his family. His uncle, Grillzilla, died of a stroke. The whole of his family were in mourning, and thus he could not punish the late. However, Latezilla's intention is to return to active duty tomorrow morning. He will not be taking any questions on this matter."

So, Latezilla's back, boys and girls. Get used to it. In fact, I can see the posters on the walls of college. You know, it's Latezilla dressed in an Uncle Sam uniform, pointing his claw at you. Man, that would be sweet. If only I had an iota of artistic talent to make it happen. Maybe I could make a Latezilla society.

Okay, enough about Latezilla. That's pretty much it for today. I always enjoy Fridays because of the 11am start, so expect that to continue.

Until next time!

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